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An Exclusive Interview with Khadija Usman, President of New Age Visions Agency

Welcome to an exclusive interview where we have the opportunity to delve into the world of Khadija Usman. In this insightful conversation, we aim to uncover the secrets behind her remarkable motivation tactics, unparalleled work ethic, and gain a deeper understanding of all things New Age Visions Agency. Get ready to be inspired as we embark on a journey to explore Khadija's unique approach to success and her invaluable insights into the world of business.

What does New Age Visions Agency do?

Hey - my name is Khadija Usman, and I am the founder of NAV Agency, which happens to be my very first entrepreneurial venture. The acronym ‘NAV’ represents "New Age Visions." At NAV Agency, we specialize in outsourced marketing, a practice in which businesses delegate specific tasks to external companies like ours. Our primary focus lies in assisting companies with their sales initiatives, marketing campaigns, and elevating brand awareness. We offer a comprehensive range of services, tailoring them to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether they require sales support, targeted marketing strategies, or an integrated approach encompassing all three areas, we strive to deliver exceptional results.

Throughout our journey, NAV Agency has had the privilege of collaborating with a diverse clientele. We have engaged with non-profits, assisting them in their fundraising efforts, and have also partnered with for-profit organizations, focusing on driving actual sales. Currently, our primary focus revolves around government contracts. This strategic shift entails emphasizing brand awareness and delivering valuable services to the community. We are dedicated to making a positive impact through our work while raising awareness about our clients' missions and offerings.

Marketing can come in different forms; while many are familiar with indirect marketing methods such as social media and websites, our agency specializes in direct face-to-face marketing. We firmly believe that this approach ensures superior quality and return on investment for our clients. Moreover, it fosters stronger relationships and expedites the overall process.

Describe your working style to me in a few words?

When it comes to my working style, I would describe it as highly intense and driven by a spirit of healthy competition. As a manager, I believe in actively seeking feedback from my team members. I adopt a collaborative approach, allowing each individual to have a say in determining what works best for them. After all, everyone possesses a unique understanding of their goals and developmental needs, even if they might not always openly discuss them. In my role, I serve as a facilitator, providing the necessary guidance and motivation to empower my team members and help them progress towards their career objectives.

What is unique about your team?

One great aspect of my team is their extraordinary level of competitiveness. They possess an solid drive to excel, pushing themselves to new heights. However, what truly sets them apart is their ability to maintain a strong team spirit and their willingness to support others in achieving their goals. Witnessing this harmonious blend of fierce competition and genuine camaraderie creates a truly beautiful and inspiring environment. It has always been a vision of mine to foster such dynamics within a team, and I am grateful that it has naturally evolved in this way.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

What ignites my passion and keeps me motivated from the moment I wake up is a combination of factors. Firstly, the prospect of meeting new people and delving into what drives them fascinates me—understanding their motivations and finding ways to align them with my own goals. The presence of my loved ones, including my family, friends, and colleagues, serves as a constant source of inspiration.

Witnessing personal growth and transformation in individuals on a day-to-day basis fuels my motivation. Observing someone work hard towards their aspirations, even if they initially face challenges, and then witnessing the moment when their efforts pay off or when everything suddenly falls into place for them is rewarding. The journey they undertake, marked by consistent action and gradual progress, is a testament to their determination and serves as a reminder of the potential for positive change. It is always really rewarding to see.

Who Inspires you? Who do you look up to?

I look up to a number of individuals in my life, particularly the women in my life who have played significant roles. Growing up with multiple sisters and being raised by both parents, my mother, in particular, has been a driving force in shaping my perspective. I have witnessed firsthand the unwavering work ethic, dedication, and resilience of the women around me. They have consistently demonstrated their commitment to those they care about and have found ways to overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

Apart from my family, my circle of friends also serves as a source of inspiration. The individuals I have had the opportunity to work, from my peers to mentor figures like Chris, who guided and coached me throughout my professional development as an entrepreneur. I have been fortunate to learn from their expertise and witness their composed demeanor even in the face of stress. The professional network I have built in Atlanta comprises a diverse range of individuals, many of whom are successful self made business owners.

What do you do to inspire or motivate your team?

A key aspect of how I inspire and motivate my team revolves around their individual goals. Rather than solely relying on motivation, I believe in differentiating between drive and motivation and guiding team members to understand this distinction. I strive to help them uncover what truly drives them at a deeper level, as motivation can fluctuate over time and may not always be reliable on a daily basis.

Instead, I am committed to supporting individuals in their personal and professional development, enabling them to tap into a deeper sense of purpose and drive. I encourage them to explore and articulate their aspirations, helping them understand the underlying reasons that keep them going even during challenging times when motivation may decrease. By delving into their desires and the deeper meaning behind their goals, individuals can cultivate a sustainable source of motivation.

I believe in fostering an environment that allows team members to truly comprehend what they want and why they want it. This process of self-discovery and reflection empowers them to navigate obstacles, persevere, and remain committed to their goals, even when external motivators are no longer effective. By focusing on long-term personal growth and deeply understanding their own motivations, team members can unlock their full potential and maintain a consistent drive to achieve their objectives.

What do you think our readers would be most surprised to find out about you?

I often surprise people with my background in neuroscience, as it may not seem directly related to my current work. However, studying neuroscience has given me valuable insights into human behavior, which proves useful in my people-oriented role.

My age tends to be a source of surprise for many. At the age of 22, I have accomplished a lot within a short span of time. I demonstrate that dedication and drive can lead to significant accomplishments at any stage of life.

Another thing that may surprise people is that I started as an intern, then transitioning into a full time position and eventually played a key role in establishing and expanding the company I developed my industry experience, diverging from the typical path of continuing education.

Have you ever failed at anything? If so, how did you handle it, and what did you learn?

As a newer business owner, I encounter failures on a daily basis. It is inevitable when venturing into unfamiliar territory. However, what drives me forward is my ability to shift my focus away from these failures. Instead, I choose to acknowledge and celebrate the small wins that occur throughout the day, appreciating how I handle each situation. By redirecting my attention to these victories, I maintain the motivation and determination necessary to persevere in the face of challenges.

Embracing mistakes has been a crucial skill that I have worked hard to develop. I have learned not to allow a single misstep to overshadow an entire day, week, or month. Instead, I have trained myself to quickly bounce back and maintain a positive mindset, even when it feels challenging. I firmly believe that there is always something positive to be found in any situation, no matter how small. By focusing on these positive aspects, I am able to grow and progress, starting with the smallest steps and gradually building momentum. It is through this approach that I continue to overcome setbacks and keep moving forward.


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